JUSTE Gallery, Stockholm
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During the weekend of the 23rd-25th of august I had a quick little exhibition in Stockholm, Hornstull, at JUSTE Gallery! What I love about these type of exhibitions is that I can be present during the entire opening time and have a lot of interesting conversations with my visitors.
As you might have noticed, my themes in my work revolve around nature and animals. This opens up for a lot of inspiring conversations with everything from personal memories to biological facts about our fascinating ecosystem.
An addition to the exhibition, I gave the visitors the opportunity to answer a question, to which the answer would be part of my creating process of new paintings. The questions could be anything from "which is your spirit animal?" to "If you could turn any vegetable into a vehicle, which one would you choose?". Here for example, the answers I recieved were "rabbit", "peace", the number "3" and "spring".
It has been a fun experience to intergrate with the people in this way, as it also opened up for a lot of fun interactions!
For those of you who didn't see the exhibition, enjoy some photos! And for those of you who did see it, THANK YOU for your visit!
Also a huge thanks to Fernando for helping me out with all the preparations, the wonderful buffet of pinchos and the hanging of the exhibition, and to Erika for the help and the delicious apple muffins!
Slottspigorna, Nora
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So this might be the most spontaneous exhibition I have had. I had been in contact with the owner of this café before and knew she really wanted to exhibit my work in her café, but due to my busy schedule during the end of last year we put it on ice for a while. Next time we talked we said; let’s hang it tomorrow??
I love spontaneous people, and the possibility to be spontaneous and flexible. Which obviously doesn’t always suit the schedule, but this time it did, so we said “let’s go!” and the day after we met up and my dear friend and I put together a playful exhibition at Slottspigorna in Nora!
This is without a doubt one of the coziest cafés I have been to. First of all, the owner is a beautiful soul in every way possible and we clicked as soon as we exchanged our first words. Secondly, the café really feels like coming home to someone’s living room. With different, beautiful and antique, furniture to each table. And I can promise you that you will be served moe like a guest at someone's home than with service like a typical café.
It's funny, because when I heard about the dimensions of the room I was supposed to exhibit my paintings, I thought I wouldn't need that many. But I thought I'd bring some extra, just to be sure. When I entered the room and saw the previous exhibition that was still on the wall, a wall that was barely visible behind all the work, I realized that I would definitely not be taking any paintings back home with me that day. And this is how we decided to make a playful hanging instead of the typical gallery wall!
Galleri Riddaren, Artishow
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A couple of years ago I walked in this very gallery and met a great team of artists. I soon joined this team, Artishow, of Swedish and Spanish artists and this year I tied my art year together with an exhibitions with them at Galleri Riddaren, in Stockholm!
Tofta Konstgalleri, Varberg
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The exhibitions keep going! My latest exhibition took place in this wonderful gallery in Tofta. I must admit that I was a little bit worried about getting enough pieces together considering how many rooms I had to fill by myself. But 45 paintings later the exhibition was up!
This was literally my entire body of work that was newly produced or older pieces that haven’t been ready for a new home yet. So it was interesting to also see some of my previous work getting a spot on these gallery walls.
If you haven’t yet been to Tofta, I’d say it’s well worth a visit! Not only do they have this huge gallery space for changing exhibitions, but also an entire floor with arts and crafts from a wide range of artists that is visible and for sale all the time, as well as a cute little café and an impressive comic section with a proper dose of nostalgia.
Galleri Sjöhästen, Nyköping
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I am so so happy about how this exhibition in Galleri Sjöhästen turned out! I mean, just look how beautiful the space is, and how well our colors and playfulness merge together!
I have had a previous, also very successful exhibition together with Micke Johansson, but now also had the pleasure to meet his talented assistant (and talented independent artist!) Iita Jaakonaho. Beside her glass art being one of a kind, her personality and energy is as is well!
I’m also very grateful for how welcome the gallery made me feel, and how well they took care of me and my art. I think that we curated a beautiful exhibition all together! If you didn’t have the opportunity to visit the gallery in Nyköping, I hope these images can give you a little glimpse into the expo.
The vernissage opened up so many interesting meetings and conversations with the visitors. I really appreciate the thoughts and questions being asked and it makes my entire being warm by the thought of my paintings evoking these meaningful discussions. So thank you to everybody who remind me that what I do reaches and matters.
Klubb Mono + Under Bar Himmel, Wadköping
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I wanted to share some photos from a recent pop-up exhibition I had last month with Klubb Mono at Under Bar Himmel in Spelgården, Wadköping, Örebro. It was exciting to see some work exposed in an outdoor environment and that they suited so well on the falu-red walls!
I decided to exhibit a series of early paintings of mine for several reasons, the main one being that I didn’t have many other pieces available at the moment as they are exhibited at Inre Natur in Örebro and Loggia, Copenhagen, and another reason that putting paintings outside in a crowded event is slightly nerve wracking. But this worked out perfectly!
For those of you who didn’t visit the event – here are some photos! I also still would like to offer a very generous discount on the works that are left after the expo, so don’t hesitate to reach out if any of them catches your interest! You can find the paintings with the dimensions and prices further down in the post!
Here are some close ups and prices (in SEK) of the paintings that are still available! Don't hesitate to reach out if you are interested in any of the paintings!
"Climb on"
Oil on canvas
70x90 cm
12 000 SEK
"Carp e Diem"
Mixed media on canvas
116x77 cm
10 000 SEK
"Illusory Truth"
Oil and acrylics on canvas
100x72 cm
10 000 SEK
"Off Course"
Acrylic and oil on canvas
70x50 cm
6500 SEK
"Natural Synthetic"
Oil and acrylic on canvas
40x60 cm
4000 SEK
"Engaged Liberty"
Acrylics and oil on canvas
20x30 cm
1000 SEK"Troubled Paradise"
Acrylic and oil on canvas
20x30 cm
1000 SEK
Loggia, Copenhagen
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A little while ago I got contacted by a little gallery i Copenhagen called Loggia, asking if I would be interested in having an exhibition at their creative space. Their background and intentions spoke to me so this is something I didn't want to turn down of course. I also knew at this point that I would be on the road for a few months, so what better than to combine it with the travels on the way home from the south back to Sweden?
This added a nice extra purpose for working on the road, even though I am strictly devoted to working on my art- especially when I am traveling. It somehow feels like it compensates for living the nomad lifestyle, and it proves to myself that I can work from more or less anywhere. So, I accepted the invitation and had the vernissage of the exhibition on the 5th of may!
This was a wonderful experience and I got the change to meet new people just as wonderful on the way! During the summer you can still see 8 of my originals hanging in their space, and for the opening I also showed a series of prints that are available for sale as well. I'm very happy with the result - I especially liked how the bamboo frames turned out in their green and jungle looking space! Always fun to try something new!
If you want to visit the gallery, you can reach out to them for a viewing! And don't feel shy to, they are lovely people and it will be worth it!
The space is also used for other creative events as well as for a studio, so the prints will be exhibited temporarily. The originals however, will be hanging in the space during the entire summer. So swing by!
Galleri Nord 2023
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Wowzers! What a wonderful vernissage this Saturday. First of all I want to throw out a big thank you to all the people showing up, sharing your thoughts and minds with me and keeping a four-hour long smile on my face and warmth in my little artist heart!
I am just so impressed with how well the gallerist matched me with my fellow exhibitor Micke Johansson, a very skilled Swedish glassblower. The way the art interacted with one another and lifted each other up was very thrilling to see. Both of our work is very colorful and playful and includes life in one way or another. So big compliments too to the gallery for putting together such an uplifting exhibition! I appreciate that in contrast to many galleries and museums the hanging was so lively - I think it turned into a beautiful 3D collage of art where you can just step in and keep finding little details for as long as you keep looking.
I never know what to expect from exhibitions and vernissages so it's always a little nail-biting beforehand, though I had a very good feeling with this one from the start. Yet, I was positively surprised how crowded it was from the minute we opened until the minute we basically had to kindly shoo people out when the gallery had to close. I can count the minutes that I didn't have people approaching me and talking to me on probably one finger. Which genuinly made my day! Getting to take part of the thoughts and minds of the viewers about my work is really so meaningful to me, especially when people take the time to thoroughly explain how they experience my work and interpret the deeper messages and my imagination. Being inspiring in one way or another to others is just as rewarding to me so I appreciate every single thought that was shared with me this day!
If you didn't have the opportunity to visit the exhibition yet, there is still time until the 27th of January to have a look. Galleri Nord is open on weekends from 12-16 and on Wednesdays till Fridays from 11-15. Don't miss it!
Galleri Stenhallen, Borgholm
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I was accepted to a group exhibition in Galleri Stenhallen and realized when seeing what pieces were supposed to be exhibited that driving my way down there would be the best option. So on the 29th of June I carefully packed my biggest painting plus two others and a mattress in the back of a van and drove my way to Öland.
I've been to Öland once before and really enjoyed my time there, so I've been very excited to go back and also getting to show some of my work in Borgholm. And on top of that, by driving there it would also give me the chance to explore the island a bit more and live a simple version of vanlife for a few days is Sweden! Öland definitely is a wonderful holiday destination that I can strongly recommend. Lots of culture and history, local shops and businesses, friendly people, and I must say that despite the very Swedish appearances I often forgot that I was actually in Sweden! Most likely because of all the beaches, the warm climate and maybe the vineyards and camel farm we also crossed. With that said - take a trip to Öland! And don't forget to visit Galleri Stenhallen before the 13th of July!
It was really such a pleasure being part of the opening and getting to meet so many talented artist, the gallerists putting this exhibition together and other inspiring people throughout the weekend. And a little reminder I got as well - always say yes to opportunities!
The exhibition "JURY 22" takes place in Galleri Stenhallen, Borgholm, Öland between 1st of July until the 13th of July! The gallery is open every day between 11-16.
CAC Mijas, Málaga
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Time to share some pictures from the exhibition at CAC Mijas - Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, in Málaga! They put together a beautiful show with all our works. I'm really proud to be part of such an amazing team with Artishow who gave us the opportunity to show our art in Mijas, just a room away from our masters Dali and Picasso! The exhibition is up until June the 30th, so if you are in the area and need a break from the burning sun, go visit the museum! It will be worth it!
Laxå Konsthall
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Once again I had a great opening of an exhibition! I always love vernissages cause you get to meet so many interesting people and have valuable conversations. I had a little bit of a packed schedule before going back to Laxå to hang the last few paintings. As so often before, I was running late to my train (this time not my fault!) and as I am literally running to the train I see the name 'Laxå' on the train right in front of me so without really thinking more about that I jump on the train last minute. But why is the train not moving? I have been waiting over ten minutes now! I quickly realized that I had in fact jumped on the wrong train. So, nothing else to do than calling the art hall to inform them that I'll be running late. But luckily they are just wonderful wonderful people who helped me get some of the last paintings up so I had enough time to fix the last details the last 40 minutes before the doors would open! Phew!
But hey! I am so happy with how the exhibition turned out, and I am thankful to all the visitors who showed up to look at my work and came to talk to me and shared their interpretations and emotions. I hope it is as meaningful to them as it is to me.
Preparing all the last little details probably until the second we opened the door!
And then the exhibition was official!
We created a little extra room for kids to hang out and draw if they felt inspired from the art in the gallery. Then they can hang their drawings on those walls and create their own little exhibition!
I met my dear friend Momen some year ago when I was out in town drawing. He told me he likes to draw and paint as well and recommended my work to the people at the art hall. So it is really thanks to him that they contacted me and we made this exhibition come true! So some extra thanks to him! And obviously some extra thanks to the people at the gallery, especially Sofie, for doing such a great job and always being there when I needed them in the process!
Now both vernissages in Laxå and Saluhallen Örebro are over, but that doesn't mean the exhibitions are! Both of these will be up until the 14th of December, so there is still plenty of time to visit if desired! I am going to take a little day off to catch my breath again!
Saluhallen Örebro
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I got the opportunity to exhibit art at Örebro Saluhallen, the local food court in the city. Considering this is not exactly a gallery, and also an area that can be crowded, I decided it would be a good idea to exhibit prints instead of the originals. Which turned out perfectly because at the exact same time I had an exhibition with all my originals in Laxå Konsthall.
I appreciate all the feedback and kind comments I've been receiving for this little expo and I am glad I got to show my work to a new audience!