
This for sure is a hectic month! But despite the high tempo and somewhat stressed situations, I am really enjoying it! As you might have read in previous posts, I recently had the opening of my exhibition in Saluhallen. Well, now it's time for the next one: Laxå Konsthall!

Next stop LaxåI got invited a good while ago for a solo in their new art hall, and supposingly my art would've been hanging there during the month of March this year. But as we all in one way or another experienced or are still experiencing, Covid put a spoke in that wheel. So we rescheduled it in November instead. And so it happened to be scheduled at the exact same time as Saluhallen. Which is why I decided to exhibit prints there since I thought that would be suiting for the environment either how. 

I am working on all the last details that always takes a lot longer than expected, and tomorrow more or less my whole studio will be moved to their beautiful art hall. Then on Tuesday evening I will have my next vernissage! You are all very welcome to come celebrate the opening with me!